🚀 I am Hariharan K...💡

Welcome to my Portfolio!, Electronics and Communication Engineer, Masters Engineering Student

Name: Hariharan K

Profile: M.Tech Electronics Design Technology Student

Email: web.hariharan@gmail.com

  My LinkedIn Profile is here!


Creative Thinking 85%
Technical Skills 75%
Teamplay & Leadership Skills 70%
Problem Solving 65%
Who am I?

Welcome to my world! I'm currently pursuing my Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Electronics Design Technology (EDT) at National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), Calicut, Kerala. I'm much passionate on almost everything in this world! Of course, Yeah! A purpose driven guy, super-passionate in Science & Engineering, Math, Electronics, How & Why things work? etc., Motivated by the life history of great inventors & scientists from the past, I strongly believe, "There exists a reason and purpose behind each and everything existing on this planet Earth". Infact, that made you to end up here :)

I waste most of my time in tinkering things & the internet to see what's actually inside. Inspired by Life Long Learning from people - anyone, anywhere and anytime in any topic, I've been self-taught with wide skills or great experiences (to be precise) in the past few years. One such outcome is this webpage. Making people to understand complex things easier with Feynmann Technique, Looking & Analyzing things in a diferent perspective from Steve Jobs are few things on which I'm growing everyday. Life is all about learning and "If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you" -- that's what I believe in...

🎯 Areas of Interest 🎯

"People with great passion make the impossible happen"

Applied Electronics

Damn obsessed with Silicon : Microcontrollers, Gadgets, Configuring'em, Sensors and also on fixing them too! No words to describe the feel, while restoring them back to normal!

Teaching Students

No matter how hard the technical concept is - Feel it first - Break it down into smaller parts - Understand it clearly - Able to explain it to a 6 year old child? - Congrats, You Won! In Short, I love to Teach

DIY Projects R&D

Life is all about learning & experimenting, so does my Engineering Education. Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of mankind, found out 10,000 different ways, a bulb won't glow only after experimenting!

Basics of Robotics & Product Design

Being an Real Engineer, all it matters is the impact that you deliver to the people, at the end of the day with your skills and manpower. It's actually an art to me!


Event Management, Android Application Development, Content Creation, YouTuber, Linguistic Translation, Subtitling & Reviewing, Online Tution, Video Editing, Tamil Voice Over etc., and the list goes on.


Being a Grateful guy so far, I'm always happy to help people and make them feel gratified, which gives me a sense of self-satisfaction at the end of the day. One Life - ZERO Regrets. Live Happy, PEACE!









✨ Portfolio ✨

"You don’t have to be big. You have to be remarkable"

  Look my works in:  SlideShare Freelancer MIT App. Inventor Graphic Design Quora DIY Tinkering YouTube Blogger Resume   

📰 Blog 📰

"Opportunities don’t happen, you create them"


Embeddeded Bus Protocols

My Presentation on "Theoretical Aspects of Embedded Bus Protocols - I2C, SPI, UART" for my M. Tech Classmates. Helped my friends for their technical job interview.


GATE Exam Awareness Program

Awareness on GATE Examination delivered on ECE Department Association Hours, to my junior students to help them choose a better career.

Project Video Shoot

First Fully Fuctional Mini-Project

An outcome of my learning experience - "Smart Agricultural Weed Removal System". A Journal was published.